Orthopaedic Surgery


Waiting for orthopaedic surgery can be an anxious time for anyone but pre-op preparation can significantly help toward a very successful outcome.


Preparing for foot surgery – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Maneesh Bhatia

Rosemary asks Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Maneesh Bhatia about the benefits of foot surgery and the secret to achieving the best possible outcome.

Preparing for Surgery – Physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke

Physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke explains how strengthening our body in anticipation of our surgery will make all the difference to our recovery.

Overweight with foot problems?

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Maneesh Bhatia, explains how being very overweight can seriously affect our feet as well as our general health and wellbeing. He explains how to exercise when very overweight and why losing weight is a gift to yourself!

Preparing for Foot Surgery

In this invaluable guide to preparing for orthopaedic foot surgery, physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke offers vital advice to help you to maximise the benefit and speed up your recovery. Judith demonstrates some simple but effective exercises to prepare you for your operation.

Preparing for Knee Surgery

Here physio Judith Pitt-Brooke explains the importance of preparing your body ahead of your knee surgery. Judith demonstrates some simple exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the knee that will help you toward a speedier recovery afterwards.

Preparing for Hip Surgery

Physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke explains the implications of hip surgery and how you can prepare ahead of the big day with some simple exercises that you can practise on your bed.

Surgery and Physio – The Secret of Success!

Physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke explains why physiotherapy is so important following an operation if we want to speed up and achieve a full recovery. She also explains the importance of getting fit beforehand so that we recover faster.

Meet Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Maneesh Bhatia

Rosemary chats to Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Maneesh Bhatia after he changed her life having successfully operated on her right foot. Here she asks him why he decided to specialise in foot surgery and why he finds it so satisfying.

Meet Physiotherapist Judith Pitt-Brooke

Rosemary asks Judith about her distinguished 40 year career as a physiotherapist and her passion for exercise and activity. Judith explains why she is so passionate about teaching injury prevention, particularly in the older generation.